Friday, June 29, 2012

prince aiden ;)

assalualaikum dearies !!! hehe. salam jumaat. this week was amazing :)

wonder x sbb aper tjuk prince aiden tu ? kalu ELF for sure tahu aiden tu donghae, tp prince ? hehe. donghae mmg prince :). ny sya nak bg tau , miggu ny sya buat oral bi, geng sya mmg buat dh oral, tp nak buat sekli lg sbb x puas ati . so, this time, iela comes out with good idea then sya pun ape lg kan, bereh je !!

director iela :)

sya dgn geng buat oral test, buat drama psl cinderella. sya jd prince aiden. iela jd witch louise, wani jd cinderella, amalina jd stepmother dgn irah jd stepsister. memang daebak ! dgn classmate sya yg sporting gile thp gaban la. korang !!! i love you. huhu. 

kanak2 riang ? :P

even, drama kita x perfect mane, byk salah, x ckp practise mane. thank you la trma seadanya k ? may Allah bless u always. 

p/s:  sexy, single, free :)

Friday, June 22, 2012

even it's bad, it's okay ~

assalamualikum , it's saturday, saturday, saturday. hehe. may Allah bless ~

ermm, today blog post sya nak habaq pasai hari sukan sekolah. this year sport day memang suck ! sgt best taun2 lepas punyer. esp taun lepas!! tp xpela, nak buat camner kan? sometimes, bende yg kita hrpkan, xkn trlaksana kan ? so , sya just nak cherish every moment untuk hr sukan kali ini, bia x best. sebeb you never miss the well, until the water dry out kan? so sya akan ingat hr sukan utk taun yg last ny smpi bila2.

hr sukan slama 3 hr dijlnkan. hr prtma pembukaan dia. agak bolok so, gitu la. atoii. dgn nunggu vip 5 kurun lame nyer. + jemur tgh panas !!. yaaa~ kpd seme yg x trun padang ari tu, u will paid *evil laugh* . keh3

ary kedua, sukantara. just berlari, lompat jauh nge lontar peluru untuk rmh. ari ke3 la best sket. sket jela. haha. tgk bdk laki berlari, sokong rumah hijau. huaaa, rumah hijau no 4 . sedihh. rumah biru menag then olahragawan dr rumah kuning. hope thun dpn best la, bia sya xdok doh. hehe . 

bye, see u next time. love you alls :)

on your mark, get set GO ! 

banduan ? prisoner ? haha

run devil run , haha :)

korang buat fashion show ker berlari , pak cik oii ?

don give up ! bia seluar nak londeh, hehe

sotong kering !!

yeahh, go saad abi waqas !

 chukahae biru :)

p/s: we're under same sky, but we're not together :(

Sunday, June 17, 2012


assalamualaikum :)

ayoh, sorry. i forget yesterday was father's day. sorry ~
 sorry for all i did. sorry.
sorry that i hurt u. sorry.
sorry that i ever hate you. sorry.
sorry  that i ever regret that u are my father. sorry.
sorry that i put everything before you. sorry.

thanks ,because of you. i'm here. thanks ~
thanks for remember my birthday, this year. thanks.
thanks for the present ; books even u don't know i love books so much. thanks.
thanks that u still care for me, even we're apart . thanks.
thanks for treat me very well when i came to ur home. thanks.

ayoh, may Allah bless u always. i already forgive you. hope you live well there. be happy :)

p/s: Remember the past, plan for the future but live for today, because yesterday is gone and tomorrow may never come.

Thursday, June 14, 2012

step by step

assalamualaikum dan salam jumaat. wish u all fine :)

this week buke skul stlh cuti 2 minggu. bosan gler ddk rumah. rse mcm wasting time sgggt. so bile skul buke i'm happy :) to be a better person, nk fokus utk spm. tee hee hee~ then bile msk skul, thulah result !! actually result bleh thu tgk internet je, tp sy ni coward sket, so sya x buke. ngee, tkut doe.

tapi bile msuk skul , seme org tnya result sya so sya buke la, nnti org kate sya bjet bijok plok. adoii. ermm, dgn hati rase nak burst, ku pasrah kepada ketentuan illahi. then, terpapar la result dgn sekali result tov. so bleh tgk la prbezaan yer. sya xhu sya tgk result bio dulu, then it's break my heart +_+.  nk thu result bio je trun and result len naikkk ! kenapa ??? xpe la, i try my best. untuk trial. fighting !

mse hr isnin hr tu, sya dgn geng pose. then mse trun nk telefon kan, sy pun rehat la kt tngga skjp sbb x larat nak pnjt + angin kat situ mcm welcoming us je. pastu sya nmpk aimi, my bestie . pastu sya dgn yasmin pun sekat laluan , sje nk acah. then aimi , she's sick ~ aimi , klu mu bce ny. if u find it hard, i'm here. spill what you want to say, i'm always here ~

so, smpa sini saja kisah kita, jgn kau tangisi keadaannya. haha. ape kaitan dgn lagu januari nyer? ny jun dah tau ? k, bye. kita jumpe d len jumaat ~~ love u  loads ~

  p/s: Don't give up for no reason.

for our no 1

Dear Lee Chong Wei

When things go wrong as they sometimes will,
When the road you're trudging seems all up hill,
When the funds are low and the debts are high
And you want to smile, but you have to sigh,
When care is pressing you down a bit,
Rest if you must, but don't you quit.
Life is queer with its twists and turns,
As every one of us sometimes learns,
And many a failure turns about
When he might have won had he stuck it out;
Don't give up though the pace seems slow
You may succeed with another blow,
Success is failure turned inside out
The silver tint of the clouds of doubt,
And you never can tell how close you are,
It may be near when it seems so far;
So stick to the fight when you're hardest hit
It's when things seem worst that you must not quit.

                                                           From your biggest fan :).